The History of Concerned, Inc.
Concerned, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that began in August of 1971 as a school for children with disabilities. At the time, this was a need, as schools did not accept these children into the curriculum. Over time, through mainstreaming, there has become less of a need for a school and more of a need for a workplace for the adults coming out of the schools.
Concerned, Inc. became a sheltered workshop for adults with disabilities in the early 1980’s. The 1990’s have brought more awareness of persons with disabilities and with it, more programs as well. Programs such as, Home and Community Based Living and Supported Community Employment mean community integration causing Concerned, Inc. to again evolve, this time from a place to shelter persons with disabilities to a place to prepare people with the skills necessary to live and work in the community.
With the new millennium, the need to provide Adult Day Services (Day Habilitation) for persons who are unable to or do not wish to work became apparent. As a result, Concerned, Inc. proudly stepped up to play a role in providing these services as it will do again to bridge any future service needs.